I am talking about body image! This can make or break you for the entire day. We all want to put our best foot forward right? We all try to look our best and make a great impression. That is after all a huge part of the way we are perceived as healthy, successful, smart, competent, etc. So what are we supposed to do or think when we look in the mirror and no matter how hard we have worked, or what we have achieved we still see a fat or unhealthy reflection? This is something that I struggle on more than a daily basis. I will look in the mirror and still see my old self, or even if I see my new body size, I still only focus on imperfections.
As we all know, we are our own worst critic's, but when the mindset of a 'fat day' sets in, it can ruin your entire day. When you feel fat, or blah you don't feel like putting on your workout clothes because they're tight, so you skip the gym. When you skip the gym you tend to eat like crap, which makes you feel fat which in turn makes you skip the gym....its a vicious cycle.
Check out this blurb I found in an article on fitsugar.com:
Feeling thin or fat is an illusion constructed in our posterior parietal cortex — an area of the brain that integrates sensory information from different parts of the body. Unlike your sense of touch, there are no specialized receptors in your body that send information to the brain about the size and shape of your body parts, says lead study author Henrik Ehrsson, MD, PhD. "Instead, the brain appears to create a map of the body by integrating signals from the relevant body parts such as skin, joints, and muscles, along with visual cues," he says.
So you see, we are not crazy or experiencing depression or self hatred (well you might be and if you are I would suggest you seek out professional help). This is a normal brain pattern, and we have to recognize that and move on during the day. Here is the link to the whole article so you can learn from their tips on turning around a fat day. http://www.fitsugar.com/How-Feel-Fat-25314402?spi_source=popsugar.com&spi_campaign=tagalert_email&spi_medium=email
There are a ton of resources out there about body image and how we can fix it. If you need more info or article please shoot me an email, I have a bunch more on hand. Also keep several 'before' photos on hand...never forget where you were so you can appreciate how far you have come!
As you all know my journey to health is very closely tied to my relationship with God. So even though I have read a ton of info on body image and how to fix it, the best way I have found is to ask the Lord to give me a very clear view of my actual reflection. To give me a proud sense of self in order to carry out His tasks he has given me for the day. You see we are not simply living out our days for us, we are here with a purpose. We must be healthy in order to complete any task he may set before us!
Huge shout out to my husband for breaking through the 90lb loss threshhold!!
Is it really possible that it has been 2 months since my last blog post? That is terrible! I am so sorry! This fall has come on fast and strong! We are all out insane busy right now! Between running kids to school and piano and riding lessons, keeping up with the family, being in charge of Sunday school at church, and Major's Motivation life is crazy!