Thursday, March 29, 2012

Shopping, now and then!

I love to shop. And really I don't know many women who don't. Bargain hunting for me is the equivalent to actual hunting for my husband. I love it. But it hasn't always been this way. Back in the day I can remember a terrible ordeal about buying a bra in a box. As a young teen with larger than normal breasts I was not lucky enough to get to wear the cute little bras you see in the stores. I needed support. My mother took me to Knopp & Metzger's (the local department store in Fredericksburg TX that is no longer there) and we looked at the lunch lady bras. Yep, in a box, silk, huge straps, the cone style. I had an absolute fit, refusing to wear a bra in a box.

It didn't stop at bras in a box. All of my friends would buy their clothes for school at all of the cute stores in the mall. I can remember buying my school uniform shorts (in junior high) in the men's department at old navy. My freshman year of high school was the first time that I was not required to wear uniforms to school. I was thrilled. My mom and I went on a huge shopping trip to San Antonio. I was bummed when I couldn't fit into the cute stores' clothes. But then it happened, I found the fat girls' safe haven...Lane Bryant! The catch, it was crazy expensive! My mom was able to get me a few cool outfits that would blend in and didn't look like I was wearing things from the woman's world department at Dillards. I will give it to plus size clothing that in the last 10-15 years they have really upped their game.

 But I was never able to buy from the cool stores, not until college when I lost the weight the first time. Shopping became way more fun. I was able to buy jeans from any store in the mall, I was able to try on size L tops instead of XL or XXL. I was able to buy more than purses and shoes and jewelery! I was in love!

Fast forward to now, and I am still thrilled every time I go into a store. I will look at a pair of jeans and think there is NO WAY these are going to fit me, and then they do. I pull out a L or XL top from the rack out of habit and they are too big, it is an awesome feeling to be a normal size and not 'speciality'. I love being a special person, and an individual but there are some aspects of life where it is nice to be 'normal'.

 It is sooooo much easier and affordable to shop for clothes now, and I have to say I love all of the options! There is more than one formal dress to choose from now. It truly is amazing.If the health benefits of losing the weight aren't enough for you, think of the fashion! It is awesome.

Also, I would like to apologize for the lapse in blogging, the baby turned a year old on Sunday and I had a packed schedule with my parents' visiting from Texas.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Adding Years To My Life...

Please enjoy this guest post from my Husband, the one and only JUSTIN MAJOR!

For those of you who don't know me, I'm proud to be a "logical" person. I weigh every situation with as much information as I can before I make a decision. Any kind of statistics and research that I can point to always helps solidify my opinions and actions, that being said...

Ryan had gotten on my case about going to the doctor last year and after quite a bit of prodding I decided to go ahead and make an appointment, although I told her exactly what the doctor was going to tell me, "Overweight, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol." So on 8/9/11, I weighed in at the doctor's office at 296lbs (I know I didn't look it, but I definitely felt it) and my LDL was in the 140s. My doctor said I was in the extremely obese column, which of course feels great to hear, and is kind of annoying because you want to be like,"Really? is that why it feels like I am carrying around a small middle schooler all day, I had no idea?"

So I scheduled to see the doc again two months later and on that visit I had dropped down to 285lbs, at that point all I had done was try and cut portion sizes and limit what I ate after 7:00PM. So fast forward to the new year and our adventure in the Daniel Fast began and kept going... and going... and going...

Before I reveal today's numbers I want to share my findings for why we all should eat a whole lot healthier. So about Adding Years to My Life:

According to the National Center for Health Statistics:
  • The risk of an early death goes up as weight increases. The NIH found even a 10- to 20-pound weight gain can increases the threat of premature death, especially in adults between the ages of 30 and 64. People with a BMI index higher than 30 had a 50 percent to 100 percent greater risk of early mortality.
  • The National Institute of Health says obesity is believed to significantly reduce life expectancy, particularly among younger adults. The most desirable BMI associated with the greatest longevity is 23 to 25 for whites and 23 to 30 for blacks.
  • According to the NIH, the maximum years of life lost (YLL) for white people in their 20s with a seriously high BMI of 45 was 13 for men and eight for women.
So as I was sitting there I was thinking about Ryan and the girls and how I can control being at birthday parties, college graduations, walking the girls down the aisle, birth of a grandchild, birth of a great grandchild, 50th wedding anniversary, grandkids college graduations... the list continues and fills with memories and experiences that I get to have because of some simple changes I decided to make in my life. When I started to think of my diet in that sense, it made it a lot easier to choose healthy over "happy".

The "happy" we focus on is the right now mentality we all have. The U.S. is an amazing country for many reasons, but from the food aspect we astound most anyone visiting from a foreign country just because of how many food options we have. But it is time we all really look at our choices in the proper light.

When faced with the question, "Is that double cheeseburger more important than meeting your grandkids?" What is your answer?

"Would you never drink soda again if it meant getting to dance with your spouse on your 50th wedding anniversary?" What is your answer?

They are hard questions and an even harder answers because it requires us to show our true selfish nature that desires the now. I realize that the good Lord could take me from this earth any day he likes, but I am determined for it to be no doing of mine. It can be a train wreck, plane crash, natural causes, but I have vowed to do everything in my power to ensure that it won't be because I have let my arteries clog with all the fat of the "happy" food choices I made over my lifetime.

Lastly for all those people who are wondering where to go from here... The Better than Vegan (copyright pending) diet definitely isn't for everyone, but it is a place to start over and reset your system so you can truly start anew on this journey of being that man or woman that we are all called to be.

So as I give you these numbers, understand that I work a desk job all day and still really haven't added any scheduled gym time. The one thing Ryan and I have added which ends up being more fun than anything is doing little workouts during commercial breaks of our shows, The right now attitude has us fast forwarding through commercials whenever we can, but now we use that time to do something that makes up for the other 40 minutes we are watching our shows.

Today at the doctor I weighed in (fully clothed) at 252lbs and my LDL is at 76. Statistics say with that weight loss and cholesterol change I have added upwards of 3-4 years to my life and possibly more depending on the study. Start thinking about it in that light and trust me it makes everything so much easier.


Valentine's day 2011 (Ryan is 9 months pregnant with Madison)

Feb 19, 2012

Saturday, March 10, 2012

When Mama Ain't Healthy, Aint Nobody Healthy

I have never been one of those moms who will make dinner for my husband and I to eat, and something different for the kids. Nope, sorry not gonna happen. You get to eat whatever I am making. You get what you get, and you don't throw a fit! For the longest time we never had any fits to worry about because we were eating all of the junk that kids love to eat too. Sure I would make a lot of chicken dinners with bread and a veggie, maybe even a salad. But there was no shortage of butter on the veggies and potatoes, always lots of cheese, ranch dressing, and don't forget Nana's bbq sauce. Not there is anything wrong with Nana's sauce, seriously that sauce may be the link to world peace. But I think that a few months ago Bethany could really relate to this commercial.... (minus the Eggos, she wasn't that lucky)

Okay so here's the deal. We have all heard the phrase when Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. That is true for so many aspects of our lives. Diet, exercise, and self image are no exception. As the mom in my household I have the responsibility to teach my girls habits that they will keep their entire lives. If I teach them to eat burgers and fries, drink only soda, and never exercise should I be shocked when they end up being overweight and leading a sedentary lifestyle? Should I also be shocked if they only hear me saying negative things about my body when they question their own self worth or the way they look in the mirror?

Having the realization that my girls are going to model my behaviors was hard enough, but then to take it a step further and think that they will also model the way I view my own about convicting.

Mom's it is up to us to set the standard in our homes. We are responsible for these precious little lives and spirits....don't let them think for one second that they are not beautiful. Teach them habits that will make it easy for them to be healthy, set the bar high for you and your husband AND your children.

I have had several people ask me what our kids are eating now that we are eating a plant based, pretty much the daniel fast diet all the time. Well Bethany is almost 7 and she has been a little bit of a tough convert. Although she LOVES salad and most veggies, it is hard to convince her to eat tofu (hard to convince me too actually). We still have our own form of spaghetti and she will eat that up with out any argument. The harder things are the meals when it's mostly beans and quinuoa with a steamed veggie. But I know that if I roast asparagus she will eat the entire pan of it.

In the mornings she has multigrain cheerios with skim milk or toast (no butter, only honey). Lunch she packs everyday (no way would I force her to eat the crap they serve in public schools...balanced meal my patooty). I usually make her a sandwich with natural pb and honey and sometimes its turkey and cheese always on whole wheat bread, carrot sticks or celery depending on what we have, pickle, apple or orange, and water. For dinner she eats whatever we make, yes even if it is something random like tofu with diced tomatoes and veggies over a baked potato.

It wasn't an immediate thing, the first month or so of us eating this way I would make her some shrimp or chicken and she would eat our meal as her sides, but now she is used to it. Yes she has gone to bed without finishing her dinner, and yes it has been trying at times, but she knows what nutrients are in which veggies and she is starting to get into it. She LOVES the hulk juice (green smoothies) and she loves the spaghetti that we make. She also loves her oranges!

Madison is almost 1, so she eats anything I put in front of her. Her favorites are broccoli, asparagus, peas, and potatoes! I do give her cheese about once a week for lunch because she looooves it!

I think that the most important thing we can teach our children when it comes to food is that it does not rule our lives. We do not live to eat, we eat to live. So much of our lives is totally based around food. Going out to dinners, cake at special occasions, etc. Using food as a reward has been a hard habit to break for us, not only for our children but for ourselves too. Finding new things to use as rewards has required more thought put into those rewards but wouldn't your children respond more to those rewards? Mine have! Bethany loves that she can get a video from redbox or go to funland or get her nails painted or pick out a new shirt or or or...

Have fun with it yall and it keeps you on track!! Having the whole family motivated to reach their own goals, weight loss or otherwise keeps all of us on track! Justin and I are working towards our health goals, Bethany is working on her goals of learning to play piano and finish first grade and remember her weekly bible verses for Good News Club, and Madison is learning to WALK!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March Measurements!!

We all know what the first of the month means....M DAY!!!

I have neglected this blog a little in the last couple weeks because I thought I had hit a really annoying plateau. I stayed right in the same 2lb range for 2 weeks and it is so frustrating. I weigh myself more than I should, and I am pledging to yall that the excessive weighing stops today! From now on it's once a week!

I would like to recognize what happens when you are nearing the end of your weight loss journey and entering in to maintenance. When you start out very heavy and add in diet and exercise your body will release a lot weight quickly and you will love seeing those high numbers on the scale. As you lose more and more you will stop losing as much quickly. Part of it is the building of muscle from time in the gym because muscle weighs more than fat, and part of it is science. The best thing to do is focus in on diet and hit it hard in the gym! Do new exercises, try other stuff, keep that body on its toes and guessing!!

Check out this article...for more info.

So I kicked it up in the gym and focused in on my water intake and low and behold while there wasn't a drastic change in weight this month, I am pretty satisfied with my inches lost. I know I am toning up, and I feel myself getting stronger. My endurance is better, I can lift more weight in BodyPump, and my flexibility is at an all time high! So here are the stats!

From M-day Last Month I have lost....

6 lbs

3/4 inch from the Bust

1 inch from my waist

Hips stayed the same (grrrrr)

1/2 inch from my right arm

1/4 inch from my left arm

1 inch from my right thigh

1/2 inch from my left thigh

3/4 inch from my neck

1st week of January 2012

                                 Feb 1st 2012                                                               March 1st 2012

There is a great blog by Drew Manning about plateaus and yall should read it. If you haven't been following his story start now!!!!

Being Obese is NOT a death Sentance!

I will say that on this journey I am always amazed at how many people share my struggle. However I guess I shouldn't be amazed when more than 1/3 of US adults are obese. When I tell people I used to weigh over 300 lbs I always get a "No Way" or "Your Kidding", but really I mean what are they going to say, 'oh yeah I can totally tell you used to be morbidly obese'.
I have found myself reaching out to people everywhere I go, and letting them know it's okay and that we are all struggling with something. But I always try to encourage them, and let them know that yes they are in a place in their health where they have a lot to work on...but they have an amazing gift...and that gift is the ability to make a change. Stop those behaviors that got them where they are now, and create a new reality for themselves. Being obese is NOT a death sentence, but it can be if you do not take a stand against your own addictions and bad behaviors.

When I listen to people tell their stories of reversing diabetes, coming off of 6 or more prescriptions, reversing their chances at heart disease, being able to run and play with their children, and accomplishing goal after goal, I am instantly rejuvenated! I love knowing that people are not only setting goals, but making real and long lasting life changes. Refusing to sentence themselves to an early demise because they can't say no to Twinkies and night after night of movies on the couch. Trading in TV time for a run, swapping fried chicken for steamed veggies. Ah! I am so excited for all of these people that have the opportunity of their lives right in front of them.

Yes when we start out on our weight loss and getting healthy missions it seems like we have soooooo far to go, but rather than looking at it that way think of it as the beginning of the rest of your life. A better life, a life where you are not a prisoner in your own skin!
That's me 2nd from the left, 6/23/05...I gained about 50 lbs to get to my heaviest before I took a stand!
