This is the time that we are reminded exactly how inconvenient the 6 year age gap in our kids is, especially at these ages. Bethany can ride pretty much everything and Madison doesn't understand why she can only ride baby rides. Neither one of them are going to go on their own and Justin and I cant ride anything together because someone always has to be with the kids. So needless to say we had been avoiding the whole situation. Not to mention the last time we went to a theme park we were both overweight. I was on the smaller side after my initial weight loss, and hadn't gained a lot of it back just yet, and his marriage weight gain was on the rise.
But going to a theme park as an overweight or obese person can really be terrible. You can't fit comfortably into the seats on most rides, or even ride some of them because of a weight limit. Walking confidently in the water park? YEAH RIGHT!
Justin and I like to think of ourselves as fun parents and we do really enjoy roller coasters, so we were semi excited about that part of the visit to Kings Dominion. We arrived when the park opened with 2 very excited, sunscreen coated girls. And we had a great day! There was no drama (well...minimal drama we do have 2 daughters) and both kids did great all day!
I met a fellow fitness and health coach watching Madison drive the monster trucks, and that was a total God thing. We were discussing how being at a place like Kings Dominion really shows us how we are the small percentage of the population that is health conscious. 'Gym Rats', 'Health Nuts', we are the exception, not the rule. I guess it is human nature to flock to those similar to you. I am at the gym everyday and everyone there when I go is for the most part always there. I go to church at Lifepoint every Sunday, and everyone there is on fire for Christ. In my little bubble of influence everyone is pretty positive, genuine, and encouraging. It isn't until you go places like the theme park full of the general population that you realize how unhealthy and unhappy the general population can be. People screaming at their children, morbidly obese people on scooters (eating fried oreos...seriously people you can't make this stuff up), and the group of 9 year old boys in front of us in line at the water park who were talking like thugs, cussing in front of their mother who did nothing to correct them. Not my favorite.

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