People ask me pretty much everyday how I did it. How did you lose the weight? How do you eat so strictly? Why can't I lose the weight? How do you find time to get to the gym everyday?
It comes down to being ready to make the change. Being ready to make a complete 180 degree change from eating poorly and not exercising to eating REAL, healthy, food and getting off your duff and doing the work. I looked for an easy way out for 10 does not exist! Truly losing weight is a matter of burning more calories than you are consuming and working your body so it can convert fat to muscle.
So there it is! You MUST be ready to make the change. No person, company, or diet plan can do it for you. Sure you can do it half assed and lose a few lbs and a couple inches but trust me when I say it will not be lasting. This is not something that you do for a season, it is a lifestyle. I have been working out at the same gym pretty much every week day for over a year. What I have found is that at the time I go, I see the same faces everyday. The same people are there, their kids are in kids club everyday. Our gym has amazing people working in their child care. Madison has been going since she was 5 months old, and she loves those girls! Bethany can't wait to go to see her friends on the evenings we go to the gym. Sure a few new people come and go with the seasons (esp the new year...that is entertaining to see all of the new years resolution members come in hard core for a week, hurt themselves, and take a break until next January) but for the most part the members stay the same.
So it is about a commitment. Not to a gym or eating plan or health coach but to yourself. Do you need an eating plan? Absolutely! Do you need a gym? It's either that or one of the amazing team beachbody workouts you can purchase here:
If you are interested in health coaching shoot me an email! I can get you in touch with someone in your area who can provide amazing services!
My husband and I have made this 180. and we are still working out daily and eating real food. Do we treat ourselves? Yes!! Do we believe in loving ourselves? YES!! It's not about restriction, its about taking care of our bodies so we can be good stewards of our blessings!
Ahem Sister! You are a down to earth, say it as it is reminder to me daily...Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThat's so cool! Congrats on your 180 life change :) I'm in the process right now of getting healthy and it seems like I have hit every barrier/obstacle possible! What is the best thing to say to myself in order to go to the gym every day and keep eating the healthy foods as opposed to the quick fix, starchy, fatty foods?!?! Please help!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Andria :)
Thank you both for the encouraging words and support! I am so happy you are both checking out the Blog! Andria, congrats on taking the first step and getting your health turned in the right direction. At first waking up every morning and making that choice was not an easy thing for me either. I would struggle with making it to the gym or justify why I 'deserved' a day off or a muffin for breakfast. But something happened as I began to qualify my behavior against other things. Like is it more important to me to rest from the gym today than it is to be able to run with my kids. That may seem dramatic but I needed a little drama to motivate me. If that didn't work the size 6 jeans hanging on the wall in my bedroom were a constant reminder. I also use pinterest to motivate me a lot! If I am feeling like I dont want to workout I will look at the health and fitness boards and those fitness models make me want to work harder. BUT be extremely careful not to compare your self to them, because that can cause a mental set back and a skewed perception of how far you have come!
ReplyDeleteAll that being said, after working out became a scheduled part of my day, I feel incomplete with out it! My toddler also expects to go see her friends every morning at the kids club at the gym...believe me that keeps Mom on track! ;)
Please don't hesitate to email me with any questions or concerns I would love to help encourage you in any way I can!