Thursday, May 17, 2012

Oh so long ago....

My 19th Birthday
I have been going through old photos all morning today. I was kind of shocked looking through all of these pictures again. You know how it is when you have your picture only keep the ones you think you look good in.. I am posting some of them here to remind myself how much better I feel now, and while I have always felt that I was pretty, I am so much happier being healthy and fit. I also want you all to know that no matter how little or how much weight you want or need to lose, you can do it!

Leading an NYCHA meeting, Mississippi 2004

March 2005


Summer 2005, after a Kenny Chesney Concert...looks like my life revolved around food!

Plucking a banjo in an antique store....

And just for good measure...Here is one of me from last month! I have lost about 10lbs since this photo!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Makes me weak in the...legs?

So as many of you know I am always excited when my gym gets new equipment and gadgets to play with. I am also a big fan of the biggest loser (even though it sets up unrealistic expectations of weight loss and can cause some people to fail because they don't lose 20lbs their first week of exercising so they give up...but I digress).

Anyway a few weeks ago my gym added the TRX training system...which is basically a bunch of straps that hang on a bar that pivots and you use these straps to do body weight exercises. The trainers on The Biggest Loser use these a lot. Pretty intimidating if you have no idea how to use them. Because they are a new thing, the gym offered a free intro class weekend...the weekend we went to the beach. I was pretty bummed because we missed it and I didn't want to pay for a personal training session just to learn how to use some straps on the wall. But luckily they were offering free sessions, you just had to sign up.

So last night was my first experience with these new things. I was pretty nervous, especially because I hadn't worked out with a trainer since October and I didn't even know if I could do these crazy body weight exercises. That little voice of negativity was coming out in my head, and I just had my doubts...even though I am getting so much stronger than I was before!

Working out with the trainer was great because he was able to tell me when I am doing things wrong. I was pretty annoyed to hear that I have been doing my squats wrong for the last FOREVER because my legs track wrong and all I had to do to fix it was angle my foot the other direction. But I am glad I know.

He said that my upper body strength was great, but that my core and legs were weak. The core part I was aware of...but the legs?! I grew up on a horse ranch for goodness sake! My legs should be rock solid! I used to be able to press an ungodly amount of weight with my legs...but thinking about it I haven't done presses in about 4 months! But I do a zillion squats (the wrong way apparently) and lunges. So this week will become about my legs, my inner thigh in particular. If anyone has any great inner thigh exercises they would like to share please do!

The exercises on the TRX system were very challenging but doable. Just kind of awkward the first time you do them. Mainly because you are suspended and may or may not fall. I worked up a great sweat, and am pretty sore this morning. All and all I would say I like them! Maybe I'll be brave enough to try them without assistance..who knows!
 For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, this is the stap system. Photo from

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Don't give me your excuses!

Do you ever have those moments where you are talking to someone and can't help but have an entire conversation in your head 'with' them, but you know that if you said what was actually going through your mind you would, A. hurt their feelings or B. be completely inappropriate?

Come on, I know you all know what I am talking about. I find myself feeling this way quite often. I love to share my story with people. I love to let them know that being morbidly obese or just overweight in general does not define them, and that if they are unhappy with being unhealthy they have the ability to change it. But during these conversations I am always given a rebuttal of rehearsed excuses. The excuses that you can tell they use so often that they have come to define them. The old knee injury from high school, the kids, the job, their asthma, they can't change their diet because it's too expensive to eat healthy, they can't afford to work out because the gym is expensive, they don't have the time, they can't because because because! Ahh! It is overwhelming to think that they are so scared to make a few small changes to their habits, too scared to save their own lives.

I know why they are giving me this barrage of nonsense because I have been one of them. I couldn't lose weight because of X, Y, and Z. But here's the deal...Every excuse is just a choice to fail. It is giving yourself a justification for why you are in your current situation. We hear them in our spiritual life, we see them in relationships, in our jobs; everywhere. People are so ready to justify their actions to make themselves feel better and get you off their back!

I can give you advice, show you how to work out, and teach you about eating healthy until I am blue in the face but it will all be a waste of time if you are not ready to not only make a significant life change, but also to stick with it!

Last week Pastor Daniel's sermon was about putting your 'want to' to work. You have to put in the work. Our society is so used to instant gratification that we expect to lose 100lbs overnight, and when the weight is gone we expect to look like Jennifer Aniston. I've got some news for you, you didn't gain those extra pounds in 1 day, you're not going to lose them in 1 day either and if you didn't look like Jenn before you aren't going to look like her after. There is no quick fix or short cut to health. It is not easy, it is hard. It will hurt, it will take more planning in your day. Yes, you will have to put a lot of effort in. But if there is anything I have learned it is that you will get out of it what you put into it.

Why do diets fail? Because people are constantly trying to cheat on the diet. Who are you really cheating? Weight Watchers isn't the one who will have to lay down to zip their pants, that's you.

You have to find what motivates you, and use it. Think about it every day. For me, the initial motivation was being in my 3 best friends weddings this year. After the baby was born I knew I needed to whip it into shape to be an example for my daughters, but I wouldn't have put a deadline on my goal unless I knew I had to stand up in front of my entire hometown (which is pretty much accurate between all 3 of the weddings) in bridesmaid dresses. Now my motivation is so much deeper than just looking good in a dress. It's my health, it's the health of my husband and children, its inspiring others, its teaching others, it's using health as my ministry, and I tell you what when you know where your motivation lies you can tap into those reserves and power through to reach your goals when you don't thing you stand a chance.

If your motivation is being a certain size, buy a really nice pair of jeans in that size and hang them on your wall. Make a photo of them the wallpaper on your phone. Plaster them everywhere.

If it's a goal weight make signs that have that number on them and hang them all over your house. Especially on your fridge.

As for your are my rebuttals...
The old knee injury from high school: It's been 20 years, the injury has healed and if it still bothers you try water aerobics.
The kids: most gyms offer child care. If you don't have access to a gym with childcare, take turns going to the gym in the evenings with your spouse. OR make exercise a family affair: take a walk, play football in the backyard, ride bikes, etc
The job: people who appear to be fit and in good health have a better chance of being promoted, get in shape and you might get a raise.
Their asthma: Don't can still do some form of exercise and inhalers are will fit in your pocket. (I have a good friend who is a successful ballet and jazz dancer who suffers from can walk the block after work)
It's too expensive to eat healthy: We actually spend less money on our food now...Just sayin'
The gym is too expensive: Jogging is free, walking is free, running up and down the stairs at your house is free, a jump-rope costs less than $10, push ups are free, crunches are free, jumping jacks are free, if you have cable you have a fitness on demand channel that is included in your cable bill...use it! There are sooooo many options!
TIME: If you have time to read this blog, to look on facebook, to watch the Law & Order SVU marathon on have time to exercise! A 1 hour work out is 4% of your entire day....just get it over with and you will have more days in your lifetime to refresh your news feed every 6 seconds!

Knowing that I am in the best physical shape of my life makes me feel like a million bucks. Knowing that what ever the Lord asks of me next I will be able to do because I am physically capable. When I teach preschool Sunday school I can jump for the entire song and the kids will get tired before me....That's awesome!

I know that there are legitimate reasons why people can't exercise and I get that, but that doesn't mean they are sentenced to a lifetime in an unhealthy body. You are in control of what food enters your body. You are in control of how many calories you burn on a daily basis. You have the power to change your body. If you feel like you can't.....check in with the Lord, he is just waiting for you to ask him to move those mountains. He can and will set you free from your excuses, and give you that extra push you need when you feel like you can't do it!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

M-day Results are in!

It has taken me longer to post this than I wanted. BUT here it is. April was not a huge month loss wise. I messed up by not setting a clear goal, and not focusing even with company and vacation. Disappointing, but at the same time it helped me to get focused in again, and come at the loss goals with renewed energy for May.

From M-day Last Month I have lost....

3 lbs (womp womp womp)

.5 inches from the Bust

.25 inch from my waist

.25 inch from the hips

.25 inch from my right arm

.5 inch from my left arm

right thigh stayed the same

 left thigh stayed the same

neck stayed the same
 Jan 1

Feb 1

March 1

 April 1

 May 4th

 May 1

I am so thrilled with the way my body has been changing over the last few months. My muscle tone is looking good, and I am loving clothes shopping!

For the month of May Justin and I are having a challenge, first one to lose 12 lbs wins. So far 6 days into the month we are tied...we have each lost 3 lbs...Ironically that's all I lost the entire month of April, which makes me kick myself! When I lose these 12 lbs, I will be below my original goal weight, and will most likely be done losing.

Wish me luck...well really I should say wish Justin luck because I am obviously going to kick his butt!