Anyway a few weeks ago my gym added the TRX training system...which is basically a bunch of straps that hang on a bar that pivots and you use these straps to do body weight exercises. The trainers on The Biggest Loser use these a lot. Pretty intimidating if you have no idea how to use them. Because they are a new thing, the gym offered a free intro class weekend...the weekend we went to the beach. I was pretty bummed because we missed it and I didn't want to pay for a personal training session just to learn how to use some straps on the wall. But luckily they were offering free sessions, you just had to sign up.
So last night was my first experience with these new things. I was pretty nervous, especially because I hadn't worked out with a trainer since October and I didn't even know if I could do these crazy body weight exercises. That little voice of negativity was coming out in my head, and I just had my doubts...even though I am getting so much stronger than I was before!
Working out with the trainer was great because he was able to tell me when I am doing things wrong. I was pretty annoyed to hear that I have been doing my squats wrong for the last FOREVER because my legs track wrong and all I had to do to fix it was angle my foot the other direction. But I am glad I know.
He said that my upper body strength was great, but that my core and legs were weak. The core part I was aware of...but the legs?! I grew up on a horse ranch for goodness sake! My legs should be rock solid! I used to be able to press an ungodly amount of weight with my legs...but thinking about it I haven't done presses in about 4 months! But I do a zillion squats (the wrong way apparently) and lunges. So this week will become about my legs, my inner thigh in particular. If anyone has any great inner thigh exercises they would like to share please do!
The exercises on the TRX system were very challenging but doable. Just kind of awkward the first time you do them. Mainly because you are suspended and may or may not fall. I worked up a great sweat, and am pretty sore this morning. All and all I would say I like them! Maybe I'll be brave enough to try them without assistance..who knows!

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